Second son of late William Henry Brockbank and the late Eliza Brockbank, of the Three Tuns Hotel, Bridge Street, Bolton, Lancashire. An old boy of the Bolton Municipal Secondary School.
Brocklehurst, Richard –
Son of Clement Richard Brocklehurst and Emma Brocklehurst (nee Sherlock), of 117, Moncrieffe Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Enlisted January 1915. Formerly 80261, RFA.
Brodigan, Francis Edmund –
Son of John and Bridget Brodigan, of 213, St. George’s Road, Bolton, Lancashire.
Bromiley, Sydney –
Son of William Isherwood Bromiley, M.I.Mech. E., and of Mary Bromiley, of “Beech Hurst”, 194, Chorley New Road, Bolton, Lancashire. An old boy of Bolton Grammar School (1904). Enlisted May 1915. Killed when the Italian vessel Citta de Palermo struck a mine and sank in the Mediterranean.
Bromiley, Jack –
Son of Stanley and Alice Emily Bromiley, of 12, Romer Street, Tonge Fold, Bolton, Lancashire. An old boy of the Ridgways Endowed School and the Bolton Church Institute. Died at the 61st Casualty Clearing Station at Dozinghem.
Bromiley, James –
Eldest son of William Isherwood Bromiley, M.I. Mech. E., and of Mary Bromiley, of “Beech Hurst”, 194, Chorley New Road, Bolton, Lancashire; husband of Gertrude Holden Bromiley, of “Oakcroft”, 70, Albert Road West, Bolton, Lancashire. An old boy of Bolton Municipal Secondary School. Attached 391 Small Bore Ammunition Company / 391st Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. Killed in the train in France whilst returning home on leave from Italy.
Bromley, John –
Husband of Lilian M Bibby (formerly Bromley). Died at the Stanley Hospital, Liverpool.
Bromley, Tom –
Son of Thomas and Alice Bromley, of 124, Radcliffe Road, Bolton, Lancashire. Wounded fatally in the thigh November 1916.
Bromley, Ernest –
Son of Ellen Bromley, of 41, Back Commission Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Died from broncho-pneumonia following influenza.
Brooker, John Arthur (Teddy) –
Only son of Harriot Harrop, of 16, Hey Cottage, Ainsworth, Lancashire. Formerly of 41, School Hill, Bolton, Lancashire. Enlisted October 1915. Killed by shell fire. Also known as ‘Teddy’.
Brooks, Walter –
Only son of Mrs. Christina Brooks, of Bolton, Lancashire. Enlisted February 1917. Formerly 4/13527, Training Reserve Bn. Died of wounds caused by liquid fire.
Brooks, Arthur –
Son of Isaac and Martha Brooks, of 5, Chatham Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Enlisted September 1914. A brother served in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
Brooks, Walter –
Son of Mary Brooks, of 54, Moorfield Grove, Tonge Moor, Bolton, Lancashire, and the late Walter Brooks. Formerly employed in the boot and shoe department of the Bolton Co-Operative Society.
Brooks, Benjamin –
Nephew of Mrs. Jane Gornal, of 211, Back Radcliffe Road, Darcy Lever, Bolton, Lancashire. Formerly of Ashton Field Colliery. Enlisted August 1915.
Brooks, Emmanuel –
Son of Samuel and Mary Ann Brooks, of 9, Riley Street, Bolton, Lancashire; husband of Elizabeth Brooks (nee Hanlan), of 49, Parrot Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Previously served with the King’s Shropshire Light Infantry (Private 6920) prior to the war from 01/04/1902 to 31/03/1914. Died 22/05/1919.
Brooks, Fred –
Son of the late Hamer and Alice Harriet Brooks, of 189, Derby Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Enlisted April 1916.
Brooks, Frederick –
Son of Daniel and Margaret Brooks, of Bolton; husband of Frances A. Rutter (formerly Brooks), of 190, Station Road, Horwich Junction, Lancashire.
Brooks, George –
Son of James and Agnes Brooks, of 31, Rose Street, Bolton, Lancashire.
Brooks, Harold Frank –
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks, of 45, Thorns Road, Sharples, Bolton, Lancashire. Enlisted aged 16 in 1914 and spent his 17th, 18th and 19th birthdays in the Army.
Brooks, Herbert –
Son of Mary Brooks, of 54, Moorfield Grove, Tonge Moor, Bolton, Lancashire, and the late Walter Brooks. Enlisted September 1914. Wounded previously at the Battle of the Somme, July 1916. Formerly 30354, Lincolnshire Regiment.