Of 6, Finney Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Formerly employed at the Chloride works in Clifton. Formerly 290335, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. Killed by a shell.
Burton, John Henry –
Son of Mrs. Margaret Burton, of 46, Bull Lane, Bolton, Lancashire.
Burton, Richard –
Son of Thomas and Eleanor Burton, of 32, Red Bridge, Breightmet, Bolton, Lancashire. Interred in Svyatnavolok Churchyard, Russia.
Burtonwood, Ernest –
Burtonwood, William –
Son of Samuel and Catherine Burtonwood, of 234, Lever Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Enlisted August 1915. Reported missing since 26/08/1916 and subsequently presumed killed.
Busby, William –
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Busby, of 18, Avondale Street, Chorley Old Road, Bolton, Lancashire.
Buskey (Walker), Frank –
Son of Mary Buskey, of 74, Cellini Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Formerly served as Lance Corporal 338, Frank WALKER, 1st/5th Bn., Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. Discharged as time-expired and subsequently re-enlisted. Recorded as Frank Burkey Walker in BJ&G and as F. B. Walker in BC.
Bustard, Joseph Thomas –
Husband of Mary Jane Bustard, of 51, Grasmere Street, Bolton, Lancashire, and formerly of 44, Wyke Street, Halliwell Road, Bolton, Lancashire. Enlisted September 1914.
Butler, Edward –
An old boy of St. Joseph’s School. Enlisted 1914. Formerly 016315, Royal Army Service Corps, and served as an army baker.
Butler, George –
Only son of William George and Charlotte Butler, of 45, Lyon Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Enlisted July 1915.
Butterworth, Frank –
Of 13, Walnut Street, Bolton, Lancashire. A stretcher bearer, he had served at Gallipoli
Butterworth, Harold –
Son of Edwin and Louisa Butterworth, of 387, Bury Road, Tonge, Bolton, Lancashire. Killed at Blackpool Central Public Library whilst on guard duty there.
Butterworth, William Sylvester –
Son of Mrs. A. J. Butterworth, of 86, Bradshaw Chapel, Bradshaw, Turton, Lancashire. Formerly employed by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company at Bolton Station.
Byrne, Thomas –
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Byrne, of 150, Blackhorse Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Enlisted November 1914. Posted missing since 15/07/1916 and subsequently presumed killed. A brother, Herbert, served in India.
Byrne, Thomas Helm –
Adopted son of John and Jane Helm, of 3, Lydgate, Breightmet, Bolton, Lancashire; son of the late Clara Byrne.
Byrne, Edward –
Son of Mrs. Mary Byrne, of 1, Parkfield Street, Bolton, Lancashire.
Byrne, James –
Son of William and Elizabeth Byrne; husband of Mrs. Byrne, of Bolton, Lancashire. Served in the South African campaign.
Cade, Joseph –
Husband of Mrs. Cade, of 33, Oak Street, Deane Road, Bolton, Lancashire. Previously served in the South African Campaign.
Cadle, Herbert Charles –
Eldest son of William and Alice Cadle, of 3, Leach Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Enlisted March 1915. Died in a hospital train.
Cain, John –
Son of Mary Ann Cain, of 5, Bradshaw Street, Bolton, Lancashire, and the late William Cain. One of five soldier sons who served and first killed. Reported missing and subsequently presumed killed.