Chadwick, William Rowland –

Of Dunscar House, Dunscar, Turton, Lancashire. Was en-route from Freetown, Sierra Leone as a passenger on the Elder Dempster liner Appam, which was taken by the German raider Moewe.

Personal details

  • Surname: Chadwick
  • Forename: William Rowland
  • Date of birth: Not known
  • Birth place: Not known
  • Place of residence: Dunscar, Lancashire
  • Gender: Male
  • Age of death: 35
  • Place of death: Not known
  • Date of death: April 2nd, 1916
  • Casualty type: Not known

Service details

  • Civilian


  • Service medals: N/A
  • Silver War badge: Not known
  • Awards: Not known


  • CWGC Memorial: Not known
  • CWGC reference: Not known

Local newspaper entries

  • Bolton Journal and Guardian entries: 04/02/1916 07/04/1916
  • Bolton Journal and Guardian references: 6d* 6c*

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