Clarkson, Mary Ellen –

Of Victor Street, Bolton, Lancashire. Lodging at Melrose Street, Lancaster, Lancashire. A munition worker at the National Projectile Factory in Lancaster, Lancashire. When mounting a crane, she was knocked off by travelling crane, landing heavily on some girders resulting in her leg and back being broken, injuries which shortly after proved fatal.

Personal details

  • Surname: Clarkson
  • Forename: Mary Ellen
  • Date of birth: Not known
  • Birth place: Not known
  • Place of residence: Bolton, Lancashire
  • Gender: Female
  • Age of death: 26
  • Place of death: Not known
  • Date of death: July 13th, 1916
  • Casualty type: Not known

Service details

  • Civilian


  • Service medals: N/A
  • Silver War badge: Not known
  • Awards: Not known


  • CWGC Memorial: Not known
  • CWGC reference: Not known

Local newspaper entries

  • Bolton Journal and Guardian entries: 14/07/1916
  • Bolton Journal and Guardian references: 7a

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