Coleman, Alan Fraser –

Capt. (retd.); of 14 Woodstock Road, Chiswick, Middlesex. Son of the Revd. G. W. and Elizabeth Coleman, of Nelson, Lancashire, husband of Edith Coleman. Died at The Guards Chapel, Wellington Barracks. Husband of Edith Coleman (nee King). An old boy of the Bolton Church Institute. Edith was killed in the same V-1 incident in London as Alan.

Personal details

  • Surname: Coleman
  • Forename: Alan Fraser
  • Date of birth: Not known
  • Birth place: Nelson, Lancashire
  • Place of residence: Not known
  • Gender: Male
  • Age of death: 55
  • Place of death: Not known
  • Date of death: June 18th, 1944
  • Casualty type: Not known

Service details

  • Civilian


  • Service medals: Not known
  • Silver War badge: Not known
  • Awards: Not known


  • CWGC Memorial: Civilian Roll of Honour of WWII War Dead - St. George's Chapel in Westminster Abbey, London, UK.
  • CWGC reference: Not known

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