Dendy, Ralph –

Son of Walter Barnes Dendy and Nora Dendy of Quarry Bank, Tackley, Oxfordshire, formerly of Ivy House, Worsley Road, Swinton, Lancashire. Downs Exhibitioner. B.A. (Balliol College, Oxford). Attached 2nd Bn., South Wales Borderers.

Personal details

  • Surname: Dendy
  • Forename: Ralph
  • Date of birth: Not known
  • Birth place: Withington, Lancashire
  • Place of residence: Not known
  • Gender: Male
  • Age of death: 25
  • Place of death: Not known
  • Date of death: October 15th, 1918
  • Casualty type: Not known

Service details

  • Rank: Captain
  • Unit: Not known
  • Service number: Not known
  • Regiment: Royal Army Service Corps
  • Enlistment date: Not known
  • Enlistment location: Not known
  • Conflict: WW1


  • Service medals: Not known
  • Silver War badge: Not known
  • Awards: M.C.


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