Son of Joseph and Harriet Ann Dolphin, of Manchester, Lancashire.
Dolphin, John Rodwell –
Personal details
- Surname: Dolphin
- Forename: John Rodwell
- Date of birth: Not known
- Birth place: Manchester, Lancashire
- Place of residence: Lower Broughton, Lancashire
- Gender: Male
- Age of death: 38
- Place of death: Not known
- Date of death: September 2nd, 1918
- Casualty type: Not known
Service details
- Rank: Gunner
- Unit: 160th Siege Battery.
- Service number: 160804
- Regiment: Royal Garrison Artillery
- Enlistment date: Not known
- Enlistment location: Manchester, Lancashire
- Conflict: WW1
- Service medals: Not known
- Silver War badge: Not known
- Awards: Not known
- CWGC Memorial: Assevillers New British Cemetery, Somme, France
- CWGC reference: VII. A. 6.