Forshaw, Eliza –

Widow of Wallace Forshaw. Of 55 Alpha Street, Pendleton, Lancashire. Died at Hope Hospital.

Personal details

  • Surname: Forshaw
  • Forename: Eliza
  • Date of birth: Not known
  • Birth place: Not known
  • Place of residence: Not known
  • Gender: Female
  • Age of death: 66
  • Place of death: Not known
  • Date of death: December 23rd, 1940
  • Casualty type: Not known

Service details

  • Civilian


  • Service medals: Not known
  • Silver War badge: Not known
  • Awards: Not known


  • CWGC Memorial: Civilian Roll of Honour of WWII War Dead - St. George's Chapel in Westminster Abbey, London, UK.
  • CWGC reference: Not known

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