Husband of Tina Lillian Parkinson (nee Allsop), of 33, Palmerston Street, Moss Side, Manchester, Lancashire. Formerly Private 2496, 2nd/7th Bn., Manchester Regiment. Died at No.6 Casualty Clearing Station, France.
Parkinson, William Masheter –
Personal details
- Surname: Parkinson
- Forename: William Masheter
- Date of birth: August 24th, 1882
- Birth place: Preston, Lancashire
- Place of residence: Moss Side, Lancashire
- Gender: Male
- Age of death: 36
- Place of death: Not known
- Date of death: October 21st, 1918
- Casualty type: Not known
Service details
- Rank: Company Sergeant Major
- Unit: 1st/1st (Territorial) Battalion.
- Service number: 228996
- Regiment: Not known
- Enlistment date: September 16th, 1914 - 1914-09-16
- Enlistment location: Manchester, Lancashire
- Conflict: Not known
- Service medals: V / BW
- Silver War badge: Not known
- Awards: Not known
- CWGC Memorial: Houchin British Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France
- CWGC reference: III. A. 26.
Local newspaper entries
- Salford Advertiser/Salford Reporter entries: 09/11/1918