Third son of the late John James Rawsthorne, of Mayor Street, Bolton, Lancashire; husband of Mrs Rawsthorn, of 37, Hawthorne Road, Deane, Bolton, Lancashire. Of Manchester, Lancashire. An old boy of the Bolton School. Formerly Private from enlistment and subsequently commissioned.
Rawsthorne, John Frederick –
Personal details
- Surname: Rawsthorne
- Forename: John Frederick
- Date of birth: Not known
- Birth place: Bolton, Lancashire
- Place of residence: Bolton, Lancashire
- Gender: Male
- Age of death: Not known
- Place of death: Not known
- Date of death: Not known
- Casualty type: Not known
Service details
- Rank: Second Lieutenant
- Unit: Not known
- Service number: Not known
- Regiment: Royal Garrison Artillery
- Enlistment date: Not known
- Enlistment location: Not known
- Conflict: WW1
- Service medals: Not known
- Silver War badge: Not known
- Awards: M.C.
- CWGC Memorial: Not known
- CWGC reference: Not known
Local newspaper entries
- Bolton Journal and Guardian entries: 19/04/1918 28/06/1918
- Bolton Journal and Guardian references: 6e 6d*